Created by: dvkt
This is probably a bad idea, but the asmjit conversation got me thinking about it a bit.
One of the most powerful features in compiled languages like C and C++ are the macros/templates. Same for Lisp.
LDPL could potentially allow users to extend the language at compile time, with no runtime performance penalty, by adding line_like()
-style macros.
This would allow LDPL to remain a super simple language at its core, while letting people create higher level abstractions for use in their own programs.
Language features could be tested as macros, or packaged up and shared with other, before being added to the language. Or they could remain independent packages, allowing for a more modular design. Classic "function calls" with arguments can be faked and new syntax can be added to any program.
However, it would add a huge cognitive burden. Right now I can read any LDPL program and probably know what it does. With macros, that's not true. All sorts of other problems come with them too, not least of all the tooling difficulties.
Still, they could be fun. Here's one thought:
define "$num-var = $num-expr + $num-expr" as
add $1 and $2 in $num-var
end define
define "puts $expr" as
display $expr crlf
end define
define data "$var is stack" as
$var is number vector
$var-length is number
end define
define "push $num-expr onto $num-vec" as
store $num-expr in $num-vec:$num-vec-length
incr $num-vec-length
end define
define "pop $num-vec in $num-var" as
if $num-vec-length is greater than 0 then
decr $num-vec-length
store $num-vec:$num-var-length in $num-var
store 0 in $num-var
end if
end define
define block "loop do" "$expr" "repeat" as
while 1 is equal to 1 do
end define
s is stack
n is number
push 1 onto s
push 2 onto s
push 3 onto s
pop s in n
puts "n is " n
n = 1 + 1
puts "1 + 1 is " n
loop do
puts "Ctrl-C to exit"
Obviously, one could get pretty carried away. Adding new syntax (the dollar sign) is a bummer too.
But wanted to throw it out there, or at least start a discussion and see if it's worth exploring other ways of extending the language beyond just defining sub-procedures